A Giants Fan Living The American Dream And Sharing Life's Journey One Day At A Time.

Friday, February 24, 2012

I Know What You Are Thinking Fitness Tip #2

I am sure a lot of you are wondering where I have been. No blog in a few weeks, no updates on getting fit in 2012 and no tips on getting fit. I didn't fall off the get fit in 2012 wagon. I actually caught a cold, and been fighting to fend it off. I'm happy to say I am getting back to my normal self.  Unfortunately that has put a damper on my fit plan. In order to not get any sicker I opted to rest up this week rather than sweat my you know what off...which actually makes me bummed because I lost a good week of workouts. I will have to work a little harder this week to make up for the lost time.

Fitness Tip #2
To kickoff feeling better, I will give a second fitness tip that has helped me out this far. I also used this awesome tool while getting myself back to a 100%. I recommend going to this site http://www.myfitnesspal.com/ MyFitnessPal. You can use it online or download an app for your phone which I find to be super handy. Its like Facebook where you network with friends who also use this app and keep each other accountable. I would be an awesome friend to have on your list so feel free to add me if you already use this or want to start. My user name is tiggy808 so please add me.

The things I really like about MyFitnessPal are:
I love how you can log, or scan all food items in for each meal.
You also can adjust the amount of servings you eat for the individual item.
You track your workouts 
Your weight

This app really makes you see what kind of food choices you are making each day. And really makes you think twice before you eat certain foods. I recommend using this to keep track of your eating habits even if your not working out. This alone could be super helpful in losing a few extra pounds. 

Hope this is useful and lets all get fit in 2012.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Yummy Low Cal Snack

This is my new favorite snack. Its quick, easy and low in calories. If you like peanut butter, I recommend trying PB2. Its a powder form that you mix with water. It cuts out a lot of the junk in regular peanut butter.

There is only 3 ingredients: Roasted Peanuts, Sugar and Salt. I find that you can add water as recommended, but adjust to your liking. 

For this snack I used
 2 corn thins (44cal)
 half a banana (53cal) 
1tbs PB2 (23cal) 
1tsp honey for flavor (13cal)
This snack is very satisfying and locks in at 133 calories. 
(according to My Fitness Pal)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Fitness Tip For You #1

Today I would like to share my number one tool to my fitness plan for 2012. First you may want to check out my blog Its Already February, this is where I talk about being fit and healthy for 2012. I hope that you were inspired by my blog to become fit yourself, since my first month was a success. 

I enjoy working out, and find that it needs to be exciting in order to keep my interest. I am not into Gyms and sharing equipment that other sweaty people have used. Sorry if I offend any gym rats out there but I am one fourth germaphobe.  I like to workout in the comforts of my own home. Another huge factor is music, if its not pumping than neither am I. Forget those quiet workout videos where the gentle lady is softly telling you the next step, not for me. I want someone who is going to be in my face, yelling me to work harder. You know the Jillian Michaels type. 

So after Christmas I decided that 2012 was the year for me to finally get real with my health and fitness. My husband is doing P90X from Beachbody, but I knew that wasn't what I wanted to do. It involves weights, and repeating reps, I am good on doing that. Not to mention the fact you have to do push ups and at this point I suck. I do like Tony Horton who is the creator of this fine workout system, but he wasn't motivating enough for me. 

My husband showed me You Tube videos of people who did P90X, and also enjoyed another Beachbody home workout system Turbo Fire. I was instantly motivated and knew exactly what he was showing me. I had gotten Turbo Jam which came out  a few years back. I liked the videos, but never took it serious. After getting hit with the motivation bug we went straight to beachbody.com  and checked out Turbo Fire. I knew instantly that I found my fitness match. I was super excited to get started on my 2012 plan, I dusted off my Turbo Jam DVDs and got started right away. I wanted to make sure that I was ready for Turbo Fire once it arrived. It was worth the wait.

Fitness Guide and Schedule
Turbo Fire is an awesome home workout system, which is about 5 months long. Starting right at day one each workout is preplanned. I love how there is no guessing what workout should be done each day. Turbo Fire does take commitment with 6 days a week of 100% dedication. I find myself wanting to workout everyday, and actually feel guilty when I take a rest day. This is a no excuse system, most videos come with a new to class option which gives the break down to all the moves. Once you get the moves down you can  go to the basic workout. When you become a pro, which isn't long there is a pumped up version where the music over powers the commentary. The longest workout is 55 minutes and the shortest being 15 minutes. Not bad since the workouts fly by so fast it hardly feels like a workout. Chalene Johnson created the best workout ever in my opinion and gets an A+ for her motivating attitude. To make things even more exciting the music jams so get ready to sweat.

Turbo Fire is a cardio intense, kickboxing workout. I have found that my workout interest is cardio kickboxing style workouts and Turbo Fire is exactly that. These videos are non stop from start to finish, not a dull moment. There are fire drills during these videos where you go full blast for 1 minute straight and burn off the pounds instantly. Turbo Fire also uses HIIT training workouts where you do non stop fire drills the whole time. These are shorter videos around 15- 25 min. The idea is to burn calories even after you are done working out. Why wouldn't you want to try this out and feel the burn.

11 DVDs Labeled and Organized 
I am pleased with my 1 month results and can't wait to see what month two brings. I am telling you first hand a real deal review that is all on my own doing. This is not an advertisement just a real person speaking about real time day to day changes. Again if you read my blog I mentioned at the beginning, you would know that I lost 5.5 pounds in one month, 

I have more tools I would like to share but you will need to stay tuned to see what other tricks I have up my sleeve. I recommend you follow me on twitter to get my latest blog posts or subscribe via e-mail. Links are in the side bar. Hope you choose to get fit in 2012, and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your decision. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

FINALLY! Football is over. Baseball TIME!

For those who don't already know, I bleed Orange and Black Period! Baseball is my game and the rest I can careless about. I really enjoyed this weekend since it kicked off with San Francisco Giants Fan Fest 2012. And ended with Super Bowl 46. Perfect weekend in my world. 

       Saturday was an excellent day since it was such a nice day out. For a winter day, it sure felt like Spring, and Spring means Baseball. I was excited to head up to San Francisco with Doug, Brian, Tina and my parents to face the 30,000 other people attending. I avoided last years Fan Fest, since they were 2010 World Champs and figured it would be a mess. I took a chance this year knowing it would be a packed house, but had a mission to complete. I knew my mission was impossible, but wanted to give it the old college try.

The Family Fan Fest 2012
         With the trade of Andres Torres who was my favorite Giant, it made Fan Fest a bit sad. I was lucky to meet him at a signing and got to take this picture with him. He is such a great guy and I do wish him the best in NY. I look forward to seeing him when the Mets come to town.

      Like many players who come and go, last year I took a great liking to Ryan Vogelsong. I think his story and Andres Torres is pretty amazing. I really admire the determination these players have to make it in the Bigs. They persevere and really rise to the top. I look forward to the 2012 season and what Ryan brings to the pitching rotation. I think its looking solid.
Ready For 2012
        If you haven't figured it out yet, my mission was to meet or get a pic or anything with Ryan Vogelsong. This was as close as I got. The crowds were just to over whelming and the lines to wait to possibly get a signature or photo op was slim. I opted to stay and hang out at the Q&A stage, where a few select players came up and answered crowd questions.
           The first round was Jeremy Affeldt, Nate Schierholtz and Javier Lopez. As Lopez made his way to the stage he decided to walk right through the audience and walked right between Doug and I, and he shook Doug's hand and I gave him a high five. So cool, to see the guys showing real love for the fans.

Jeremy Affeldt, Nate Schierholtz and Javier Lopez
         The next group of guys should have been the headliner, because they sure caused a big crowed. Buster Posey, Aubrey Huff and Tim Lincecum. Poor Buster couldn't even talk, without girls yelling out how much they loved him.

Buster Posey, Aubrey Huff and Tim Lincecum
          Finally the moment I had been waiting for, the next group of guys to come on the Q&A stage. Freddy Sanchez and Ryan Vogelsong. I was hoping to catch Ryan on the way out, so after watching how all the other guys left, I had my plan of action to head out before they were done and head over to the area so I could catch Ryan when he was leaving. I was waiting and waiting for them to finish up, but just my luck, they left the opposite direction as all the other guys...so mission was incomplete...oh well.
Freddy Sanchez and Ryan Vogelsong

         It was still a great day, walking around the park in places you usually can't go. I found the club house to be the most interesting this time than the other time I got to tour it. I was taking in the feeling of celebration when they had beat San Diego to go to the playoffs, and was imagining the champagne being sprayed all over the place. I am so happy to have experienced my Team winning the World Series and being able to imagine the feeling right where it took place.

I would like to thank Tina for letting me use some her photos in this blog. She is an awesome photographer and you should check out more pics from Fan Fest at her blog here. 

Really looking forward to the 2012 season. Pitchers and Catchers report to spring training February 18th not that I am keeping track.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Its already February!!!!!!

Happy New Year 
    I can't believe we are already in the Month of February....I know its been a long while since I have last posted. I am excited about my new year! I have decided to take action with my health and fitness for 2012. This year is different from any other year (the last 7 to be exact) because I am taking complete action. I am proud to say that I am 1 month in and proud of my results this far. I started 4 weeks ago doing the Turbo Fire work out, its a great system and if you enjoy kickboxing its a lot of fun. Everyday is scheduled and planned so there is no guess work on what you should do each day. I only wish the food part was mapped out the same way. For this area my friend Tina referred me to an app called My Fitness Pal and I love IT. I recommend trying it, it was fee and works. You can share with friends to keep you motivated just like FB or Twitter. Its a great tool if you are in need of keeping track of food and exercise. 

      I am excited to share my journey to get fit in 2012. And wouldn't mind your thoughts and ideas for food tips and excercise ideas. Getting healthy is not easy, but with a network and others to fight through it makes for an easier journey. For me personally being 1 month in I am proud that I have lost 5.5lbs, and can't wait for next months results. I look forward to becoming more healthy for 2012 and hope you too would do the same. I admire Tina's energy to being fit and feel she is a motivator to have on your side. I recommend you check out her blog at A Day In My EMT Stilettos  
 I hope together we can all be healthier for 2012. 

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