A Giants Fan Living The American Dream And Sharing Life's Journey One Day At A Time.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Fitness Tip For You #1

Today I would like to share my number one tool to my fitness plan for 2012. First you may want to check out my blog Its Already February, this is where I talk about being fit and healthy for 2012. I hope that you were inspired by my blog to become fit yourself, since my first month was a success. 

I enjoy working out, and find that it needs to be exciting in order to keep my interest. I am not into Gyms and sharing equipment that other sweaty people have used. Sorry if I offend any gym rats out there but I am one fourth germaphobe.  I like to workout in the comforts of my own home. Another huge factor is music, if its not pumping than neither am I. Forget those quiet workout videos where the gentle lady is softly telling you the next step, not for me. I want someone who is going to be in my face, yelling me to work harder. You know the Jillian Michaels type. 

So after Christmas I decided that 2012 was the year for me to finally get real with my health and fitness. My husband is doing P90X from Beachbody, but I knew that wasn't what I wanted to do. It involves weights, and repeating reps, I am good on doing that. Not to mention the fact you have to do push ups and at this point I suck. I do like Tony Horton who is the creator of this fine workout system, but he wasn't motivating enough for me. 

My husband showed me You Tube videos of people who did P90X, and also enjoyed another Beachbody home workout system Turbo Fire. I was instantly motivated and knew exactly what he was showing me. I had gotten Turbo Jam which came out  a few years back. I liked the videos, but never took it serious. After getting hit with the motivation bug we went straight to beachbody.com  and checked out Turbo Fire. I knew instantly that I found my fitness match. I was super excited to get started on my 2012 plan, I dusted off my Turbo Jam DVDs and got started right away. I wanted to make sure that I was ready for Turbo Fire once it arrived. It was worth the wait.

Fitness Guide and Schedule
Turbo Fire is an awesome home workout system, which is about 5 months long. Starting right at day one each workout is preplanned. I love how there is no guessing what workout should be done each day. Turbo Fire does take commitment with 6 days a week of 100% dedication. I find myself wanting to workout everyday, and actually feel guilty when I take a rest day. This is a no excuse system, most videos come with a new to class option which gives the break down to all the moves. Once you get the moves down you can  go to the basic workout. When you become a pro, which isn't long there is a pumped up version where the music over powers the commentary. The longest workout is 55 minutes and the shortest being 15 minutes. Not bad since the workouts fly by so fast it hardly feels like a workout. Chalene Johnson created the best workout ever in my opinion and gets an A+ for her motivating attitude. To make things even more exciting the music jams so get ready to sweat.

Turbo Fire is a cardio intense, kickboxing workout. I have found that my workout interest is cardio kickboxing style workouts and Turbo Fire is exactly that. These videos are non stop from start to finish, not a dull moment. There are fire drills during these videos where you go full blast for 1 minute straight and burn off the pounds instantly. Turbo Fire also uses HIIT training workouts where you do non stop fire drills the whole time. These are shorter videos around 15- 25 min. The idea is to burn calories even after you are done working out. Why wouldn't you want to try this out and feel the burn.

11 DVDs Labeled and Organized 
I am pleased with my 1 month results and can't wait to see what month two brings. I am telling you first hand a real deal review that is all on my own doing. This is not an advertisement just a real person speaking about real time day to day changes. Again if you read my blog I mentioned at the beginning, you would know that I lost 5.5 pounds in one month, 

I have more tools I would like to share but you will need to stay tuned to see what other tricks I have up my sleeve. I recommend you follow me on twitter to get my latest blog posts or subscribe via e-mail. Links are in the side bar. Hope you choose to get fit in 2012, and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your decision. 


  1. Just bought it so we will see how good it is ;-)

    Btw you should think of tracking your awesome progress with photos. Let me know I can shoot you they would be great for your blog!

    1. Awesome excited you got it, you will love it! We will have to plan a day to do a photo shoot, LOL Lets Turbo together soon!


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