A Giants Fan Living The American Dream And Sharing Life's Journey One Day At A Time.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Blogging is not as easy at looks

Changed Location Again
I am sorry for all this confusion, blogging is not as easy at looks. I have found it hard to settle in one place, but after a little bit of help from my fellow blogging friends I think I finally am settled. First I want to thank and make a shout out to Kim at http://www.acuppakim.com/ for her helpful tips. And another shout out to Jessica at http://keepupwiththejohnsons.com/ for her help as well. These are two blogs I follow and recommend you do the same. For those of you trying to keep up with me and my blogging I do apologize and hope you do keep following me. I thought it was easy picking a location, but realized that its not. It takes a lot of time to start up a blog home that makes you and your guests feel welcomed. 
With this in mind I hope this will be my blog home for good, or I am just going to toss in the blogging towel. So for now thanks for hanging in there, and I do hope you all will follow GiantsBear.at http://giantsbear.blogspot.com/

Till then here is my most recent blog I posted at my other location.

I am super excited now that October has arrived.
Reasons Why:
Pumpkins I love Pumpkins
The color Orange is acceptable for things other than San Francisco Giants
My Wedding Anniversary Month 10-15-05
Pumpkin Lattes
Anything Pumpkin Flavor (wish it was around more times of the year)
Fall Scented Candles, Sprays and anything smelly from Bath and Body Works.
Decorating the house full of Pumpkins
Did I mention I love Pumpkins
Here are some visuals  just to show my love for this great time of year.
My wedding was all Pumpkin themed as well. The cake, table pieces it was all amazing. I got to bring home the pumpkins that were not carved into. They were very good quality pumpkins that I loved so much I kept them on the porch through Christmas. I decorated them with Christmas bows and all. They actually lasted up till spring 2006. It was a sad day when they were put to rest.
I am thankful that each new season brings a brand new exciting pumpkin to love. And i enjoying sharing my love for pumpkins with others as well.
So hope you all have a wonderful pumpkin season too!


  1. welcome to blogger michelle! :) things are a lot more basic over here and i bet you'll be able to figure out a lot more! :) looks fabulous already! great job! LOVE your header so cute!

  2. Thank You Kim. You were a big help!

  3. HI! Yeay so glad you are back. I left you an award on my blog. Check it out!! :)


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